Cleaning and Care

Unframed Prints

All of our prints are produced using a wide range of premium fine art paper, guaranteeing stunning print quality each time. Our fine art prints are delicate. Thus, we encourage you to handle your piece of art with the utmost care. Remember that the way in which you care for your prints will affect the longevity of the print.

We strongly advise you to keep your print within the tube until forwarding it to a framer of your choice. Take note that each piece that comes from our care receives a detailed quality assessment prior to release. Rugli Photo will, therefore, not be held accountable for damages incurred from the receipt of the item.

Framed Prints

Always handle your print like the piece of art that it is. Even when cleaning framed artworks, exercise extreme care. All you have to do is use a feather duster or a clean microfibre cloth to remove the dirt off the print. Use a clean microfibre cloth especially when you’re getting rid of fingerprints. Avoid wiping the print with paper towels as they are coarse and could scratch the artwork. Don’t use glass cleaners with ammonia as well to prevent any damages. Last but not least, hang your artwork away from direct sunlight.